
That is what

“Christ in you, the hope of glory” is telling us. It is our Creator living His life through each creation in a very unique, wonderful, glorious expression of His love, kindness, gentleness and joy. Only problem is that these egos have grown to be monsters, although they are not and never have been who we really are. When we set aside these garments we are wearing, our egos will completely melt away to the nothingness they are. I guess that by then we will see what has been going on our whole lives:). As eternal spirits, we clearly understand our missions are not be become spiritual, but to just BE the spiritual beings we are, on a mission to also love other humans and lend a hand:).

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Phil: I can imagine you are embarrassed that you are among the very brightest lights on the earth today? Well, just give-up, accept it, and go on shining your light around everywhere you go. Somebody has to do it:). Love you, Bro :)

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“Christ in you……the hope of glory:)”

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That's really good, Lenny. The living, incorruptible Seed is imparted to us - a new heart, a new life, a birth from above, but I've never really considered that this life is really that of Christ Himself. "I have died, but nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ in Me." Appreciate you and the song, too!

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