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We have all been taught that we are what is happening, and God will help us along the way, or even The Way. No wonder we are mostly frustrated, unhappy, a bit afraid all the time, hardly ever satisfied, disappointed with almost everything from our jobs, our spouses, our kids, our churches, our governments, food, sex, beer, wine, cigarettes, heroin, tv, movies, music….need I go on? WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO LIVE OUR LIVES……AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM. We don’t have lives. Does a pipe that carries water from the Colorado river to San Diego have a life? It is NOT about the pipe! We are not living our lives, our Creator is living His life……in us and through us. We don’t even know we are possessed by Another Being. Why don’t we know? Because we are also possessed by an ego, a pretender, screaming that it is us, winning about wanting more, being afraid, hurt, cheated, overlooked, unhappy, sad, sick and tired. Meanwhile, deep inside is the real Self, just patiently being Who He or She is: lovely, pure, holy, happy, innocent, joyous, at peace, generous, kind, gentle and fun. We may think we are the pipes, but we are really the Water. We may be drops in the water, but we are still the Water. Confused? Join the entire human race. Only 1% of us has a clue who we are, but we can learn, even though we hate being wrong:). O, so you really think I am really “out there” somewhere? Even read this: “Christ in you, the hope of glory?” How about the song “Christ in me, more real than me in me?”

Discussion about this podcast

Lenny’s Substack
Lenny Smith's Substack Podcast
At 81, I have so much to share and so little time, so I have packed my thoughts into songs. I love sharing my songs and my thoughts about the meaning of these songs. I hope you do too. Sometimes, I just write without a song. I hope I have something worthwhile to say:).