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Holy Lamb Of God

Meek and gentle and kind....just like your Father

What fools we are to think, after hundreds of pages of Scriptures and holy books, that Jesus is anything other than lamb-like. Only shallow minds could also claim He is also a lion, a predator, even the Lion of Judah! The Lion of Judah was an old testament warrior/king that people looked to to be their leader and deliver. Jesus purposely rejected that role! Jesus is just like His Father, kind and gentle and meek. Offended? Well guess what! Our Father is just like His son. Like father, like son. THAT is the point of Jesus coming…to show us the Father’s attributes: kindness and love, forgiveness and gentleness, “taking no offense.” Wow! What a relief! What a joy!

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Lenny’s Substack
Lenny Smith's Substack Podcast
At 81, I have so much to share and so little time, so I have packed my thoughts into songs. I love sharing my songs and my thoughts about the meaning of these songs. I hope you do too. Sometimes, I just write without a song. I hope I have something worthwhile to say:).