I now prefer the above title for my old song, but my preference is a bit irrelevant. I have fallen-out of love with the title “Our God Reigns.” So many misinterpretations by Christians of the reign of God has soured me on the phrase, just a bit more than a bit. What fools are they who think that God functions the way people do! He was not made after our image and likeness. We were made after His image and likeness. What does that mean? First, we have to do the research and find-out the very nature of God. Reading the Bible can help, BUT ONLY if one is able to eat the chicken and spit out the bones. Jesus was good at it, but we seem to love to eat both the chicken and the bones. MANY SCRIPTURES HAVE BEEN OVERRIDDEN BY OTHER SCRIPTURES! Who, at this point in education, doesn’t know this stuff? Examples abound. The very biggest example: Many Scripuress suggest and even claim that we can be and, in fact, have become separated from God. Whole religions have been built on how to get us reunited with God. However, there a many Scriptures that say we can never be and have never been separated from God. Look them up for yourself:). I digress.
God’s reign and Jesus’ reign are totally unlike the reign of earthly kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers. God and Jesus can see clearly the preciousness of each human being. God reigns as a waiter, a janitor, a nurse, a house-cleaner, a carpenter, a mother nursing her baby, a father tending the garden, a child playing dolls with her younger sister, a father having a catch with his daughter or son. God’s character is not strong, determined, boastful, proud, loud, insistent, my way or the highway. God our Father is gentle, kind, meek, sweet, loving, patient, ALL-forgiving, ALL-forgiving, TAKING NO OFFENSE, having no ego, pure LOVE. His character is so very much unlike us that we really do not believe He can be that way. Yet, TRUTH AND LOVE ABIDE. We might consider deferring to God’s opinion about everything!
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