
I Have Everything I Want Or Need In You - Lenny Smith

Nothing can keep me away from you!

Look! Let’s be real here! No spouse can meet all our needs. Let’s stop with the unrealistic expectations. We are responsible for our own peace and joy and happiness. We have to learn to take our bucket to the Well….frequently…..to get all the water we need. We cannot keep taking water from other people’s buckets. They are not here to make you happy! They are here to learn what you need to learn…..to take their buckets to the Well frequently to get the water they need. Yes, if their bucket is overflowing, they can share some with you. Often, however, their buckets are not all that full! YET, it is still fine to tell them that they are just awesome, wonderful, so much fun to be with and all the good stuff….even that they are the cat’s meow! But, just remember from where the water comes and go get some for yourself. If YOUR bucket is overflowing, maybe you can share some with your spouse and kids and friends:).