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If I Find Favor In Your Sight

It's all because of how You see

We are just so very uncomfortable being considered to be lovely, pure, meek, humble, and precious. It just feels to us so much like a lie. Actually, everything short of how God sees us is incorrect. He sees with a completely different set of eyes from ours. His eyes might have rays that go out and purify everything they fall upon. That is probably not what happens, but I do believe He sees us all, everyone, as precious, lovely, pure, and holy. His eyesight has not changed and cannot change. Nothing about God can change, not even his mind! God doesn’t change! You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it, yet we think He does change His mind about us, thinking of us first as sinners, then possibly later as saints. Not true! He always sees us as He created us…just lovely, precious, holy, funny, sweet, glowing, overflowing with love. We might as well defer to His opinion and change our minds about ourselves, our true selves, not our egos, since He is not going to change His mind. He can out-wait us as we continue to resist acknowledging our own innocence. “Arise, my love, my fair one.” Father knows best:).

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Lenny’s Substack
Lenny Smith's Substack Podcast
At 81, I have so much to share and so little time, so I have packed my thoughts into songs. I love sharing my songs and my thoughts about the meaning of these songs. I hope you do too. Sometimes, I just write without a song. I hope I have something worthwhile to say:).