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My Heart Beats At Your Command - Lenny Smith

Most of us think our hearts beat automatically, but I can imagine they beat because God’s hand keeps squeezing them and letting-up on His grip and then squeezing them again. That would require an aweful lot of attention, but I do believe He gives each one of us His undivided attention all the time. Afterall, what else has He got to do:)? Don’t we all just love to watch our kids playing, talking to their toys and laughing and rolling around on the floor with their dads and moms?

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Lenny Smith's Substack Podcast
At 81, I have so much to share and so little time, so I have packed my thoughts into songs. I love sharing my songs and my thoughts about the meaning of these songs. I hope you do too. Sometimes, I just write without a song. I hope I have something worthwhile to say:).