
There Is A River - Lenny Smith

Whose streams make glad the City of God.

Fresh, clean water is really life itself for us. We do need to drink water daily to survive. We also need to entertain thoughts. In some way, thoughts are food for our souls. If we entertain wonderful, healthy, lovely thoughts, we will be well-nourished. If we feed-upon sick thoughts, violent thoughts, mean and sad thoughts, fearful and depressing thoughts, we will be poisoned, get sick and, perhaps, even die prematurely.

Each of us chooses the food we eat and each of us chooses the thoughts we habitually entertain. If you want to find-out your mental health, consider your worldview. God says the world is lovely, beautiful, pure, holy, good, forgiven, and even innocent. I have been trying to defer to God’s opinion; since He does not change His mind, I think I will:).

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