SO MANY feel O so alone, when all the while we live inside the heart of God. Since God is everywhere, and we are living somewhere within that everywhere, we are living inside of God! What does this mean, after all: “In Him we live, and move, and have our being?” Our being is inside of God’s being. O, you think I have really gone way too far this time. I will go as far as the Scriptures will take me. How about you? Are you afraid to go with the flow of the Holy Spirit, especially if He takes you further than your pastor and your childhood teachings and your denomination? Time to muster some courage. God is love. Love takes no offense. Therefore, God takes no offense:). Enjoy having given no offense to God, Who is beyond being hurt, living as He does, in the wonderful white-hot bliss of mutual love with the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are already at that party, but we feel left-out. Time to drop our old boring thoughts and think new thoughts, perhaps even the same thoughts that God is thinking. Jesus thought those thoughts and we can too. What are they?
Tell Me, O You - Lenny Smith
Whom my soul loves
Mar 05, 2025

Lenny Smith's Substack Podcast
At 81, I have so much to share and so little time, so I have packed my thoughts into songs. I love sharing my songs and my thoughts about the meaning of these songs. I hope you do too. Sometimes, I just write without a song. I hope I have something worthwhile to say:).
At 81, I have so much to share and so little time, so I have packed my thoughts into songs. I love sharing my songs and my thoughts about the meaning of these songs. I hope you do too. Sometimes, I just write without a song. I hope I have something worthwhile to say:).Listen on
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