
This World Of Yours, Lord - Lenny Smith

So filled with wonder

God’s view of this world, the earth and the fulness thereof, is just lovely in every way. Our not real selves have developed other opinions, but I think that possibly God’s viewpoint might prevail:). Where we see children falling off bikes and skinning their knees, God sees children learning how to ride well enough to take rides to friends houses, ride with friends down paths in the wood, race down city streets, mosey along paths beside rivers and streams, and have lots of fun. I can’t even remember falling off my bike as a kid, but I can remember lots a great, fun, even exciting rides. When I was about 10, I got a bike with a head light that was lite by a small generator run by my moving tire. I used to go out a night by myself in the deepest darkness and turn that head light on. What a blast I had. I never felt alone or afraid, just thrilled.